What Is Better For Knee Pain: Heat Or Cold? - Rigor Fitness: Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, Strength Gain (2024)

Table of Contents

  1. Heat Vs Cold By Causes Of Knee Pain[+]
    1. Arthritis
    2. ACL Tears
    3. Tears
    4. Sprains
    5. Tendonitis
    6. Muscular Injuries
    7. Minor Injuries
  2. The Verdict: Heat Vs Cold
What Is Better For Knee Pain: Heat Or Cold? - Rigor Fitness: Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, Strength Gain (1)

By Steve Burden

Ice and heat are two of the most commonly used treatments for physical ailments. When people injure themselves, the first course of action is often to apply compresses and gels that boast hot or cold to the afflicted area.

However, many people don’t actually know what they are doing and will have no idea whether heat or cold is the correct choice for their particular problem. As a result, they will often take actions that offer no benefit or can even make the situation worse.

With that in mind, I am going to try and help you figure out the right course of action in one specific area, as we take a closer look at what is better for knee pain: heat or cold. I will explain the preferred choice for some of the most common issues and symptoms while outlining exactly why it works.

This should give you everything you need to heal your injury and ensure you never make the wrong choice again.

Heat Vs Cold By Causes Of Knee Pain

Unfortunately, there is no blanket answer to what is better for knee pain out of heat or cold. This is because both offer their own benefits, each of which will have different uses depending on what is causing the problem.

Therefore, instead of stating what is better for knee pain overall, I am going to go through the better choice for a number of the most common knee complaints that people have to deal with.


Arthritis is an autoimmune condition that can affect any of the joints in the body. Sufferers will find their cartilage begins to wear away, leading to the bones rubbing together, damaging themselves and the surrounding areas.

This can lead to extreme levels of inflammation, with the word arthritis itself directly derived from a Latin phrase that means “Joint Inflammation”.

As a result, this means cold is better than heat for treating arthritis. The best function of cold compresses is that it brings down swelling and inflammation, which reduces pain and creates the best situation for the body to repair itself.

While there is no cure for arthritis, using cold compresses to reduce the inflammation will make it much more manageable to live with and greatly improve the sufferer’s quality of life.

This is especially true for people who have arthritis in their knees, as this is a part of your anatomy that is under constant pressure from the weight of your body.

ACL Tears

The ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is one of the four main ligaments in the knee and the one that is most frequently injured. An ACL tear is also an injury that will require surgery in the majority of cases, so your job will be focusing more on rehabilitation as opposed to treatment.

ACL tears are one injury where not only is there a clear winner, but the other option can actually make things dramatically worse. Surgeons recommend avoiding any heat at all after an ACL tear or surgery, including everything from heat packs to even hot baths or showers.

Cold is the preferred option for an ACL tear, as it can dramatically reduce inflammation and swelling. Swelling blocks oxygen and nutrients in the blood from being transported to the site of an injury. By reducing this, you will support the surgery and allow your body to repair itself as quickly as possible.

As an added bonus, it will also numb the pain mediators and receptors in the surrounding area. With ACL tears known to be incredibly painful, this means cold is a great way to make your situation as tolerable as possible throughout your rehabilitation.


Unlike ACL tears, tears to some of the smaller ligaments and muscles around the knee joint don’t always require surgery to heal and can be treated with rest and rehabilitation exercises. In this instance, both heat and cold have roles to play in your recovery.

Immediately after the injury occurs, you will want to begin using ice packs or cold compresses. This will bring down any swelling and allow the nutrients and oxygen required for recovery to freely flow to the point of injury.

You want to use cold therapy for three sessions per day, with each session lasting for around 15 minutes. This process should then be continued for at least three days.

After all of the swelling has completely subsided, you will then want to switch to using heat. Heat increases blood flow so, once there is no longer any inflammation, it will funnel as much support to the injury as possible, helping your body to repair as fast as it can.


What Is Better For Knee Pain: Heat Or Cold? - Rigor Fitness: Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, Strength Gain (2)

Sprains, even more, acute ones, are usually relatively small injuries, where the ligaments are wrenched or twisted, as opposed to torn. This means the body will usually be able to repair the damage by itself, with your focus being on reducing pain and creating the best conditions possible.

As a result, ice is a much better choice for dealing with a sprain.

It will reduce the swelling and inflammation around the area that causes most of the pain while creating the best environment to heal as quickly as possible. This means you can sit back and rest without any pain, as you let your body take care of the rest.


Tendonitis is an affliction that causes strains in a tendon, most commonly as a result of repeatedly performing a similar action or movement. It is similar to sprains in a way, in that there are usually no tears or major damage done to the tissues.

However, unlike with sprains, heat is usually the preferred method for treating tendonitis.

For starters, heat will increase blood flow to the area. This encourages healing to occur as quickly and efficiently as possible.

You then also have the fact that heat is a great way of relaxing muscles. As tendonitis is caused by overuse and repetitive strains, relaxing the area will help to relieve any remaining tension, alleviating pain and stopping the condition from worsening as your body tries to heal.

Muscular Injuries

Muscular injury is a category that covers a broad range of issues, including knots, pulls, spasms, and tears. However, there is a general rule of thumb for any injuries that are purely muscular in nature.

For acute, more severe injuries, you will want to treat the area with cold or ice. This will limit the swelling and inflammation in the area, giving your body the best opportunity to heal and supply the area with nutrients and oxygen, regardless of whether or not you require surgery.

For less severe injuries or chronic conditions, heat is the best option to use to treat a muscle. It relaxes the muscle and improves blood flow, stopping any tension or stress from building up in the region and allowing nature to do its thing.

Minor Injuries

Minor injuries to the knee can be treated with a combination of both heat and cold, with each offering benefits and neither posing a risk of making the situation worse.

In the immediate aftermath of the injury, ice is a great way to prevent any swelling or inflammation from occurring, which will both cause pain and prevent the area from healing effectively.

Then, a couple of days later, you can begin using heat to relax the muscles and improve circulation to them, creating the perfect conditions in which for the injury to heal.

The Verdict: Heat Vs Cold

As I said from the outset, there is no one right answer to what is better for knee pain out of heat and cold. Both have their uses, and both can cause problems if you don’t know what you are doing and utilize them incorrectly.

That said, you should hopefully now have a much better idea of the different afflictions that can affect the knee joint, know how to treat them, and even be able to recognize conditions we haven’t covered and know what the best thing to do for them is.

As a general rule of thumb, cold and ice are ideal for major injuries, while heat is better reserved for less severe or chronic issues.

So, moving forward, you should have full confidence in being able to do what is best for any knee injuries you may suffer, without any worries that you are going to make things worse.

What Is Better For Knee Pain: Heat Or Cold? - Rigor Fitness: Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, Strength Gain (2024)


Does heat or cold work better for knee pain? ›

Knee Pain: Use Ice or Heat

If there is swelling in your knee, you should ice for at least 72 hours until the swelling goes down. After that, heat can be used to help regain mobility. If you are suffering from joint tightness and stiffness, heat can help relax these away.

Which exercise is best for knee pain? ›

Focus on Flexibility and Strength
  • Water aerobics. Water aerobics is an excellent choice of workout for people with knee pain. ...
  • Biking. Biking is great for improving range of motion, flexibility and strength. ...
  • Yoga. Yoga is wonderful for flexibility, especially for the areas around the knee that might be tight. ...
  • Walking.
Jan 9, 2023

Is heat or cold compression better for knees? ›

If you have swelling, it's best to use ice for 24 hours, then switch to heat. If swelling isn't a problem, it's fine to use heat when you first notice knee pain. Although a heating pad can help you feel better, it can cause burns if you use it too long or the setting is too high.

Is hot or cold better for muscle or joint pain? ›

Heat boosts the flow of blood and nutrients to an area of the body. It often works best for morning stiffness or to warm up muscles before activity. Cold slows blood flow, reducing swelling and pain. It's often best for short-term pain, like that from a sprain or a strain.

What happens if you ice your knee too long? ›

Icing Too Long

Leaving ice on an injury for too long can cause more harm than good. Because ice constricts the blood vessels, it can reduce the blood flow to the injured area and slow the healing process.

How do I strengthen my knees? ›

Knee exercises for runners
  1. Knee bends – 3 sets of 10 repetitions (reps) ...
  2. Thigh contraction – 3 sets of 15 seconds with each leg. ...
  3. Straight leg raises – 3 sets of 10 reps with each leg. ...
  4. Hamstring stretch with thigh contraction – 3 sets of 15 seconds with each leg. ...
  5. ITB (iliotibial band) – 3 sets of 15 seconds with each leg.

What exercises should you avoid with knee pain? ›

High-impact exercises can further injure painful knees. Avoid jarring exercises such as running, jumping, and kickboxing. Also avoid doing exercises such as lunges and deep squats that put a lot of stress on your knees. These can worsen pain and, if not done correctly, cause injury.

Should I exercise through knee pain? ›

Exercise should not make your existing knee pain worse overall. However, practicing new exercises can sometimes cause short term muscle pain as the body gets used to moving in new ways. This kind of pain should ease quickly and your pain should be no worse the morning after you've exercised.

Does strengthening knees help knee pain? ›

One key to dealing with knee pain is to strengthen the muscles that support the joint. Advice to improve your movement, fitness, and overall health from the world's #1 in orthopedics. If you've got achy knees, don't be so quick to chalk it up to age- or sports-related wear-and-tear or arthritis.

Is a knee brace better than a knee support? ›

Generally, Knee supports are best as a preventative and protective brace for those doing physical activity. They may be slightly tighter than the knee braces and may have better moisture-wicking properties. Knee braces are best for people who have had a knee injury in the past or are currently dealing with one.

Do compression socks help knee pain? ›

Compression stockings can 'support' the muscles and soft tissues around the joint, which helps pain management as well,” Dr. Zinkin says.

Should I wear knee compression all day? ›

It depends. For regular workout use, knee sleeves can be worn right before, during and a little after the workout. You do not need to wear them throughout the whole day. When you are experiencing pain, swelling, or arthritis in your joint, keeping a compression sleeve on for several hours a day can be beneficial.

How do I stop my knees from hurting? ›

How to get knee pain relief at home
  1. Applying ice.
  2. Taking a pain reliever.
  3. Using a heating pad.
  4. Stretching.
  5. Foam rolling.
  6. Using a massage gun.
  7. Resting.
  8. Modifying your workouts.
Aug 10, 2023

How long do you leave an ice pack on your knee? ›

This means that if you can reduce your swelling, you can reduce your pain." The most common way to use ice to help relieve muscle or joint pain is to apply an ice pack to the area for about 20 to 30 minutes. It's important to stick to this time frame, since over-icing can lead to skin damage.

Is Tiger Balm good for knee pain? ›

Joint pain. Little specific evidence supports the use of Tiger Balm to relieve joint pain. However, many people use the balm to ease aches and pain related to osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis causes bones to lose density and become brittle over time, leading to joint pain.

Is a heating pad good for aching knees? ›

Research has shown that heat treatments can loosen stiff joints and relieve achy muscles. Here is how it works. When you warm up a sore joint or tired muscle, your blood vessels get bigger. This allows more blood, oxygen, and nutrients to be delivered to the injured tissues.

How long should I ice or heat my knee? ›

To achieve therapeutic results, you must do this in a very specific way. The key is to ice for 20 minutes, causing the vessels to narrow, and then heat for 15 minutes, causing the vessels to dilate. This acts as a pumping mechanism to the inflammation, pushing it away from the injured area.

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