‘Period Flu’ Might Be Why You Feel So Crappy Right Before That Time Of The Month (2024)

Nausea, fatigue, body aches…sounds like the flu, right? But if it happens regularly around your period, it’s likely what experts often refer to as the “period flu.”

While "period flu" is not a formal medical term or diagnosis, Alyssa Dweck, MD, a practicing gynecologist in Westchester County, New York and host of the podcast Business of the V, knows exactly what I'm talking about. "My patients complain about all kinds of different illness that seem to come about right before their period, and they’re always cyclical," she says. It's common for women to experience flu-like symptoms and even a fever between ovulation and the start of their period.

So what's really going on with your body? Below, doctors weigh in on this period phenomenon and how to Get. Some. Relief. Already.

Can your period make you feel like you have the flu?

Well, you don’t actually have the influenza virus, but your body is mimicking similar symptoms. "My feeling from a medical standpoint is that this is all part of PMS syndrome, which can have both physical and emotional symptoms," Dr. Dweck says. Some of her clients' most common PMS complaints are all reminiscent of flu symptoms, including irritability, breast soreness, headaches, joint pain, and excessive fatigue.

Dr. Dweck also points out that often times women with pre-existing conditions, like autoimmune issues or rheumatoid arthritis, will even experience exacerbation or a flare-up of their symptoms just before their period—and then things get better after they menstruate. "So it does make you wonder, [even though] it's not in the literature, if there’s some sort of immune hit that occurs just before your period bringing these flu-like symptoms to life," Dr. Dweck notes.

There are no studies that show your immune system is actually taking a hit. So you can just blame the hormonal rollercoaster that is PMS until there's more conclusive science on this.

Why does it happen for some people with periods but not others?

One word: hormones. "In the mid-portion of your cycle when you ovulate, your estrogen and progesterone levels start to surge, and they decline when you do not get pregnant and get your period," Dr. Dweck explains. "So that precipitous decline, particularly in estrogen, is what causes a lot of the symptoms."

But that's not all (lucky you!). "The other thing that's going on as we get into our periods is that the uterus cranks out a chemical called prostaglandin," says Mary Jane Minkin, MD, clinical professor in the department of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at the Yale University School of Medicine.

Prostaglandin causes that annoying AF uterine cramping. It also causes the muscles to contract and can give you gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea. According to Dr. Minkin, "prostaglandins can also make you feel like you have the flu and even give you a temperature." Fun, right?

But many women also change up their lifestyle habits before their period starts, Dr. Dweck points out. For instance, you might up your sugar and salty snack intake, which can cause swelling and inflammation, she explains. And you may have increased water retention, which could lead to joint pain, Dr. Dweck says. The effects of these diet and lifestyle changes right before your period can mimic flu like symptoms too. So that's definitely something you want to keep in mind.

How to prevent period flu

If period flu is a regular thing for you, it’s more than understandable that you’d want to stop symptoms before they even start. There are a few potential hacks you can try, according to women’s health expert Jennifer Wider, MD. “Preparation is key for managing and preventing some of these uncomfortable symptoms,” she says. Her advice:

  • Ask your doctor about hormonal birth control. When you get your period, the estrogen levels in your body drop. Taking hormonal birth control can help keep them more consistent and lower your risk of developing period flu symptoms.
  • Take an NSAID early. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and naproxen can help tackle symptoms like achiness, joint pain, and headaches. “Taking a NSAID before the symptoms even start can help prevent them,” Dr. Wider says. So, if you know that you tend to get period flu symptoms three days before your period arrives, you’ll want to try taking an NSAID four days beforehand.
  • Stay hydrated. “Dehydration can exacerbate all the symptoms,” Dr. Wider says. And, she says, avoiding alcohol and caffeine can do you a solid, too.
  • Get some sleep. Sure, you probably hear this advice a lot, but it’s important since Dr. Wider says that sleep deprivation can make symptoms worse. FWIW: The National Sleep Foundation recommends aiming to get seven to nine hours a night.
  • Exercise regularly. Getting in regular workouts and keeping them up around the time your period flu arrives can help you feel better, Dr. Wider says.

Should feeling sick before your period ever be a cause for concern?

In other words, is period flu...dangerous? Period flu symptoms usually last between ovulation and the start of your period. When menstruation begins, both Dr. Dweck and Dr. Minkin generally see their patients' symptoms dissipate. So, in general, while you might feel icky, you'll be totally fine in a few days.

"If your symptoms are so bad, physically or emotionally, that they’re interrupting with your day-to-day life or interfering with your relationship, then you need to get checked out," Dr. Dweck says. There could be a different underlying issue at play, and the timing with your period is coincidence. For example, maybe you have a thyroid disorder, which exhibits similar symptoms (excessive fatigue, weakness, muscle and body aches), Dr. Dweck notes.

And while you may feel feverish, if you have an actual temperature of 101 or 102, that’s not period flu—that’s something else, Dr. Dweck says. "And if that’s persistent, you should get that checked out."

How can I tell the difference between period flu and COVID-19?

It can be a little tricky, Dr. Wider says. “The period flu is obviously not caused by a virus, but some of the symptoms can mimic COVID-19, including fatigue, lethargy, headaches, and gastrointestinal upset or changes in bowel habits,” she says.

Just a quick refresher on the most common symptoms of COVID-19, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Of course, if you’re not sure what’s happening with you, Dr. Wider says you should take a COVID-19 test. (They’re even available at your local drugstore now!) Just practice safety methods while you wait for the results, like wearing a mask when you’re around others and social distancing.

How can I tell the difference between period flu and early pregnancy?

Not to further complicate things, but symptoms of early pregnancy can also be similar to symptoms of period flu, Dr. Wider says. “Tender breasts, nausea, fatigue, and back pain are just a few of the overlapping symptoms,” she says. Naturally, if you’re trying to get pregnant or have been iffy on your birth control lately, this might be more of a possibility than if you’re using an incredibly effective method of birth control or haven’t had sex lately.

The best way to figure out what’s happening here is—again—take a test. “If you think you might be pregnant, the best way to distinguish between the two is with a pregnancy test,” Dr. Wider says.

If I do feel like crap around my period, how can I find some relief?

These are the best cures for those pesky flu-like symptoms:

  • Pop a NSAID. These are technically known as prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors. "They block the making of more prostaglandins," Dr. Minkin says. "So the key there is taking them early when you start feeling achy and fluish." These pills include aspirin, Motrin, and Advil.
  • Move around. Exercise helps everything (but you already knew that, right?). "Exercise has been shown over and over again to help with menstrual cramps and PMS symptoms overall," Dr. Dweck says. Aerobic exercise will bring you right back to life by also reducing water retention and excess fluid in your joints.
  • Talk to your doc about birth control. Your estrogen levels decline when you get your period, as you learned. So taking birth control can be a huge help. "Birth control pills keep your hormone levels steady throughout the month by preventing ovulation," Dr. Dweck says.
  • Monitor your diet. Instead of upping your caffeine intake to stay awake or eating more junk food (because: cravings), which can create inflammation that leads to flu-like joint pain, try drinking tea (it’s naturally anti-inflammatory). And next time you want to go in on that entire bag of potato chips, try a snack lower in sodium instead.

If no intervention is really working for you and you keep feeling horrible when flow is comin' to town, speak with your gynecologist. They can do a proper workup and help you feel A-okay when your period comes your way.

    ‘Period Flu’ Might Be Why You Feel So Crappy Right Before That Time Of The Month (1)

    Alexis Jones

    Assistant Editor

    Alexis Jones is an assistant editor at Women's Health where she writes across several verticals on WomensHealthmag.com, including life, health, sex and love, relationships and fitness, while also contributing to the print magazine. She has a master’s degree in journalism from Syracuse University, lives in Brooklyn, and proudly detests avocados.

    ‘Period Flu’ Might Be Why You Feel So Crappy Right Before That Time Of The Month (2)

    Korin Miller

    Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more. She has a master’s degree from American University, lives by the beach, and hopes to own a teacup pig and taco truck one day.

    ‘Period Flu’ Might Be Why You Feel So Crappy Right Before That Time Of The Month (2024)


    ‘Period Flu’ Might Be Why You Feel So Crappy Right Before That Time Of The Month? ›

    It has a connection to changes in hormone levels during a person's menstrual cycle. Some of the symptoms, such as body aches and fatigue, can make people feel as though they are coming down with the flu. Although period flu is not contagious, unlike influenza, it does cause discomfort.

    Why do I feel like I have the flu right before my period? ›

    These flu-like feelings are similar to or overlap with a group of symptoms that doctors call dysmenorrhea (painful periods) or premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Doctors don't clearly understand what causes these symptoms, but hormonal changes during this time may have a role to play.

    Why do I feel sick every month before my period? ›

    As these hormones fluctuate, your immune function is slightly reduced just before you menstruate, and it then increases again once your period starts. So, you may be more prone to a cold right before your period starts!

    Can you get period flu right before period? ›

    Most people are familiar with the cramps and irritability preceding an oncoming period. But some women have reported a more severe version of PMS known as the "period flu." Though it's not a legitimate medical diagnosis, period flu describes premenstrual, flu-like symptoms such as nausea, body aches or fever.

    Why do I feel sick a week before my period? ›

    Nausea before a period could be caused by many factors, including cramps, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and pregnancy. If symptoms are severe, this could indicate an underlying condition such as endometriosis. PMS is the main cause of nausea before a period.

    Is my immune system weaker before my period? ›

    The changes to your progesterone and estrogen levels can affect your immunity before your period. During the luteal phase, progesterone rises and peaks to prepare for your period when pregnancy doesn't occur. Your immune system is therefore suppressed and much less likely to have an inflammatory response.

    What helps period flu? ›

    Increasing Physical Activity. “Research shows that exercising can also be very helpful, [including] low-intensity aerobic exercises, such as walking, light jogging, yoga or light weightlifting,” says Dr. Nevins. “Exercising might be helpful as it reduces (period flu) symptoms, such as irritability and insomnia.”

    Can autoimmune flare up before period? ›

    Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis characteristically presents as a rash that appears 3–4 days before menstruation when progesterone levels peak. The rash resolves within a few days after the onset of menstruation as progesterone levels reduce, only to recur just before the next period.

    How do I stop feeling sick on my period? ›

    Treating menstrual cramps (with over-the-counter pain relief medicines, heating pads, etc.) can help some girls get rid of the nausea. You also might find that eating smaller, more frequent meals can help. Sometimes, birth control pills can help ease some of the problems that girls get before or during a period.

    Is a sore throat a symptom of the period flu? ›

    Sore throat before period: Some patients get a sore throat in the days before their period. Hormonal fluctuations that affect the immune system may also cause this issue. Fever before menstruation: A low-grade fever after ovulation is another common symptom of period flu.

    Why do I feel weak and shaky on my period? ›

    People who have heavy bleeding during their period can have low red blood cell counts, which can cause symptoms like tiredness or weakness. Exercising consistently when you're on your period can help relieve pain and cramping, improve your mood, and regulate blood flow.

    Why do I get cold days before my period? ›

    Why? Blame progesterone. Throughout this cycle phase, this hormone is at higher levels–and this triggers a small increase in your body's core temperature that, in turn, makes you more sensitive to even a slight chill.

    Does PMS get worse with age? ›

    Does PMS change with age? Yes. PMS symptoms may get worse as you reach your late 30s or 40s and approach menopause and are in the transition to menopause, called perimenopause. This is especially true for women whose moods are sensitive to changing hormone levels during the menstrual cycle.

    Is it normal to get a sore throat before your period? ›

    Menstrual flu can manifest in different ways, and not everyone will go through the same ones, as each woman's reproductive system is unique. However, these are some of the most common ones: Sore throat before period: Some patients get a sore throat in the days before their period.

    Is a fever 101 while on your period? ›

    No, this is not common and could be a sign of a serious condition. Unless you have other symptoms of illness like a cough or runny nose, if you have a fever of 101 or higher while on your period, you should be seen by your healthcare provider.

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